
It's Been Far too Long

I have talked many a time about ending this blog and switching over to Wordpress, but I had a realization the other day.
I deleted my Twitter page (frankleton) a few months ago after being scared shitless about social media's effect on your online portfolio to potential employers. It was a pretty hasty decision, and one that I regret entirely. I had so much history in those tweets. I wrote mysterious tweets about boys in my life, recalled incredible nights of my college career, and communicated with old friends who have faded off into cyber/realspace. Similar emotions were evoked when I discovered my old livejournal, horrifying post after horrifying post of my tween years uncovered in just a few mouse clicks. Yes, it's embarrassing. My life and my life's history is barely ever un-embarrassing. But it is mine. My crazy, awkward, ridiculous life. I am keeping all social media. I will never delete my facebook, my new twitter, or this blog. Damn you all, Frankie M will always have historical artifacts. Regardless of how they effect my chances of finding a job. Priorities, people.

1 comment:

  1. I was just thinking about it. How much of my life has been put online for the public- how much content comes back when you google my name- writing, photos, videos... (it's really embarrassing, comprehensive and absolutely job-finding-crushing at some point)... but it's there, and it's been shared and it's me. And my weird little online identity that I try to keep matching as much to my real life as possible.
