
All Things Considered

I'm going to start by saying it is very hard to keep up my blog when no one else is updating theirs... so do that. Everyone. It's getting lonely in my brand spankin new google reader.

How amazing is it to see a culmination of efforts? How wonderful is it to have physical proof that you did a good job at something? An A on a paper, an event coming together, anything. I felt that incredibly this weekend, with the Inductions ceremony for APO. Hard work, nervous break downs, all culminated in one flawless (almost) evening.

It made me think about all the times when the hard work doesn't get appreciated. When people are lightly thanked, casually ignored, or forgotten completely. If you really think about all the bits and peices of your day that make it run smoothly, all the effort that is put into you just waking up in the morning, you become so much more appreciative of what's going on around you. Who figured out your cell charger? Who is checking the water filtering in your bath water? Who restocked that vending machine last night? It goes on.

It takes a lot. When I'm not terrified about our world, or the state of our economy, I like to think of all the amazing people out there and everything they do for me. Nice distraction in case we all blow up someday, right?

Songs to listen to:
tegan and sarah- where does the good go
jason derulo- whatcha say (frou frou remixed well)
website to check out:


Ing Point Break

I don't really know how to word what I have been feeling recently. How to write down the stressed out, yet laid-back, terrified and reckless, overtired and over lovey feelings I've had the last couple of weeks.
Welcome to junior year, maybe?

When is enough, enough? When do we all reach breaking points and decide to keep falling off the edge or pull ourselves back up victoriously. I feel like a lot of things in my life are reaching that sort of breaking point. This period where I have to start making real decisions and choices that will inevitably be the wrong ones. That was a joke. It's weird how many things in my life feel like they need to be acted upon or dismissed, and I know it's not just me.
A friend of mine from back home got in trouble on two many times, and is now looking at a grim future because he kept pride but ditched freedom. How does someone even make choices like that?
An ex of mine keeps creeping back into the picture and I do nothing to prevent it from happening, despite the ginormous error I know it would be. Despite my better judgment, I still act and I still allow.
A friend of mine who holds up the largest barriers finally broke down the other night in the worst possible way- just because they were sick of it.
Even when it comes to this overwhelming rush process. I think I hit it last night, and then there was a little part of me that gave up. That sounds awful, I know. But it was a necessary transaction so I could keep morsels of my dignity and sanity.

But really, I feel like we have these moments where we just feel overwhlemed. Where we know it's time to decide, to give up or to change. Sometimes it's not as easy as it sounds, and it might take years to happen. But I think it's kind of inevitable.



A Moment to Gloat

For my Rebellious Writing class this semester, we had to look at the Black Panthers' 10 Point Platform. This document is basically a list of demands that the party wants from government and from the public. Our assignment this weekend was to make our own 10 Point Platform for something we really cared about. This is all I could come up with:

10 Point Platform for Awkward People
1. We want to be acknowledged for other attributes besides our awkwardness, such as our ability to do outrageous and seemingly impossible math problems.
2. We want to be taken seriously by members of the opposite sex. It's bad enough we can hardly talk to them.
3. We want people to be aware that we do try hard to be socially adequate, but it is sometimes an impossible mission.
4. We want full credit for such great minds as Bill Gates and Woody Allen. Heck, even Quentin Tarrantino.
5. We want the population to be aware that without us, the awkward comedy of Juno and I Love You, Man would be impossible.
6. We want people who are not socially awkward to stop pretending they are socially awkward. We do not appreciate such mocking.
7. We want socially awkward people to realize that though drugs or alcohol may help socially awkward situations, they do not cure them.
8. We want literary minds to rename "awkward sentence structure" to something more fitting. Most of us are quite adept at writing papers that are grammatically sound. This error hardly suits us.
9. We don't want Urkel.
10. We want more group and individual pride. Socially awkward people must unite in order to make this world a more tolerable place- one "Sorry, I was actually waving at the person behind you" at a time.

I thought it was pretty funny. I guess I'm passionate about few things that matters in life. C'est la gere, as my father used to say. The equivalent to C'est La Vie- instead of "Such is Life" it means "Such is Death."

I would also like to point out that I can no longer sleep late. I have pathetically become my worst nightmare over night: I went to bed at midnight. On a Saturday. And woke up at 9. Oh well. I've got Juice Jam today and Ryan this afternoon. I'm too excited to sleep. Not to mention my severe awkwardness.



A Whirlwind

I apologize for the lengthy time that has passed since my last post. I am going to go with the cliché "I've been very busy with classes/work/Rush and therefore neglected my blog."
Yeah, b.s., but sadly true.

It's been a sad, sorry past couple of days. I'm over-exaggerating, but kind of. I officially apologize for quietly sneering when past VPR's had nervous breakdowns over planning rush. I now know that I was a fool, and I should have been nicer.
Not to mention it was sort of a shitty weekend. I had issues with guys, friends and tolerance. (Keg stands, anyone? Never again).

Here's a list in honor of whatever.

Let's Look at the Bright Side of Things!
1. Juice Jam is Sunday.
Not only am I going to get to see Jack's Mannequin, which has been one of my favorite bands since I was a sophomore in high school (I know, lame emo girls unite), but Ryan is coming up! So I get to listen to one of my favorite bands with one of my best friends. I'll take it.
2. Rush is almost over
Okay, not really. But the end of the September is not that far away and this is all I can tell myself to keep from going into catatonic shock.
3. I'm acing my classes.
Well I'm not failing any yet, so I'm counting that as a win for myself.
4. ........
5. ...

That's all I've got. I'm a horrible blogger.