
The Merwinstein Bears

In about 2 hours, Mama and Papa Merwin will be riding into Syracuse to watch me receive my college undergraduate degree. That's awesome. I think we should all take a moment to be super proud of ourselves, because there are a ton of people who never get this far. It's hard to feel unique and smart when you are lost in a sea of thousands, or when you realize that your freshman year blonde, annoying lab partner who you thought had some sort of learning impairment is graduating Summa Cum Laude. But I promise you, we are awesome. I'm so proud of us, and I'm so proud that I get to make my parents so proud. After all, I am still the kind of person who is constantly looking for my parent's approval. I think it's part of my youngest child syndrome. My older sister was always a friggin genius and I always felt like I had to live up to this impossible standard that she set. At the end of the day, I really just want my parents to love me more than her. (ha-ha) (...)

Along with Mama and Papa Bear, Brother and previously mentioned Sister Bear will be coming as well. I'm excited to see them for different reasons. We're all at similar points in our lives, and when we get together we can just talk and be ourselves again. Of course, I can only take about 2 days of this before I get really annoyed with them and we get into some sort of fight, but still.

It's officially graduation weekend: It's Friday (Friday, gotta get down on Friday), the apartment is getting clean and empty and I am hours away from seeing my beloved family, and saying goodbye to my Syracuse one.

Final stretch.


San What Now?

Less than one week before graduation and I'm... sitting in an airport? It's 5:30 a.m., and I'm trying to discretely do tests to figure out if I'm still drunk or not from an insane, seniory-night last night (It involved pancakes, singing "Graduate" and champagne toasts). I'm in an unusual outfit of shorts and sandals, ungodly tired but seriously excited. Why am I here? Instead of continuing to live in my senior year bubble, my sister decided to break me out of it and take me on a trip to San Juan, Puerto Rico for graduation.
Okay, it's not as ritzy and expensive as it sounds. We get free flights from her sweet airport job, and we both decided to take advantage and have one last, Merwin-sister hoo-rah and lie on the beach for a day. I'm so pumped. I love my sister, and I miss her. She's going through some rough times, so we're doing this together.
Hopefully, I don't get stranded there. Honestly, I'd love to be trapped in San Juan any other time, believe me. But not before the biggest weekend of my life thus far. It's getting nearer. Senior moments are increasing almost as fast as my current rates of day drinking. Syracuse is getting warm and I'm getting excited. It's nice to have something to break up these last end moments, though I'm going to miss every precious second that I'm not with my best friends. It's fun to know there's life beyond Syracuse, and a whole big world out there to be exploring.

Almost boarding time.... Wish me luck.