
A Wish Be Granted

Well, it's nice to be back full swing in the blogging world- I just wish I had more to say at this point. I'm barely working at a job that promised me hours and waiting to hear back from another (Tuesday!). While my friends talk about their exciting internships and summers filled with travel and adventure, I am stuck on Timber Lane not doing much of anything.
This summer has not been a bust- I've been to New Hampshire, Syracuse, Pleasantville and Rhode Island. That's pretty impressive. But mostly, I've just been sitting in Connecticut.

But I will stop moping. Yesterday was probably the best day I've had in a while here. I got my hair cut and got bangs- something drastic and different to keep my spontaneous self alive. Then my mom and I had a bit of a girls day, shopping around the mall and day dreaming about iPhones. After dinner, my friends invited me to a get-together in Woodbury, and I decided to ask my brother to come. Strangely, he agreed, so we took the 45 minute trip out there to go see my high school friends. It was an experience- to say the least. My brother got to see who I am when I'm around my friends- which is completely different than sit-at-home-and-be-bored Me. We got into some crazy conversations about our family, and the past. At the end of the night, he told me "I finally understand you". Sadly, the only problem now is I'm not sure I fully understand him yet. I guess time shall tell on that one, and maybe this summer will be more about getting in touch with my roots than anything else.

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