What I'll Miss Most About Summer:
1. Taking Public Transportation Every Damn Day
I won't really miss this that much, but I cannot deny it was an eye opening experience. SU is really such a damn college bubble. The city is a grimy, dirty and scary place filled with grimier, dirtier and much scarier people. Oh well, at least I don't feel like an ignorant college kid anymore.
2. Nightly BFF time with Mickey
Okay, I'm still going to hang out with Mickey during the semester, don't get me wrong. But I will miss the literal NIGHTLY hang out sessions, usually after I got out of work and was probably horrible smelling and pissed off. Thanks for dealing with me mickers.
3. The Quietness of SU's campus
It is absolutely ridiculous how much this place changes when it is not bursting with life. It felt peaceful, lonely and surreal. I am fearful that when everyone gets back I'm going to get really overwhelmed with the amount of life around me, and superly overprotective of campus to the point where I become a crazy bag lady. I guess that was bound to happen anyways.
4. Wearing clothing that didn't involve layers.
Syracuse is actually a fucking boiling pot. Who knew? I figured it out when I was required to wear all black (for various jobs) basically EVERY DAY in 90 degree weather. However, it was better than a down jacket and long jonhs- my winter outfit.
5. Tweeting to make my life sound more interesting.
By no means am I done with my
Twitter. but I worry my tweets will be more informative than crazy and emo and well thought out, as I will actually have things to talk about. For instance, "Going out with the girls!" Instead of "A skunk committed suicide outside of my window. What does that even mean?"
What I'm Looking Forward To Next Semester:
1. Royce Coming Back, Hell, everyone coming back
Though I love my summer crew, I can't wait until my real friends come back (ha-ha). And let's face it, I suck living on my own. I miss my roommate. I miss talking to things that actually talked back.
2. Not working at the Restaurant anymore
Okay, I didn't completely hate it. The place was definitely a learning experience, to say the least. I liked, and will miss, a lot of the people who work there and the 15% discount was decent. I think it was just the whole, "It sucked the soul and happiness out of my life and made me a racist pessimist" thing.
3. APO
If I don't kill myself attempting to plan rush, it's going to be a damn good year for us. I'm excited about the e-board, and hopefully I will take on another little. (Not to mention those non-APO affiliated parties are pretty friggin kickass)
4. Being an Upperclassman
Though I'm terrified that I'm more than half-way done with college, I'm pretty ready to be seen as a big kid. Plus, I can start planning career goals without the pressure of a senior, start slacking off because my core requirements are pretty much out of the way, and yell FRESHMENNN when I drunkenly walk down Euclid.
5. Getting Back to the Grind
The best thing (and worst thing) about summer is that it's fleeting. As relaxing and recharging as it is, it's got a shelf life. And this summer reached it. I had a great one, not because of my location but because of the people here with me. When I told people I had the option of staying in Syracuse or going home to Vermont (where I knew no one), people seemed dumbfounded when I said I wanted to stay here. But it's the people who make a place, not the scenery. ((lame))